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Api interaction

API Interaction

phpIPAM provides a useful API for interacting with phpIPAM. This is very useful if you need to find free IP's in a subnet or perhaps write info to an entry as part of some automation.

It is advisable to first create a user within phpIPAM for use with the API. The authentication method uses an authorization HTTP header which you can then use in subsequent API calls.

Return token

curl -k -X POST -u <username>:<password>  

Fetch token

curl -k --header "Content-Type: application/json" "token: .J1e9ipFZkPE6EvIRAqEf9hp" -X GET 

Fetch next free address in subnet

curl -k --header "Content-Type: application/json" "token: .J1e9ipFZkPE6EvIRAqEf9hp" -X GET 

Reserve free entry and add description

curl -k --header "Content-Type: application/json" "token: .J1e9ipFZkPE6EvIRAqEf9hp" --data '{"description":"App Server"}' -X PATCH